Our School Emblem And Motto

Every student of Jay Kay Public Senior Secondary School should know the school ‘Motto’ and the meaning of the emblem of our school and be worthy of it.

The school emblem is in the shape of globe and inscribed on it are the words of the school Motto :

‘ NOBLE DEED, WORLD PEACE ’. This is the message of Jay Kay as true J.Kians

It should be your goal to follow good deeds incessantly for the good of mankind which will establish peace not only noble ideals of learning wisdom as their goal.

The lighting torch symbolises the enlightment that education brings to your young and eager minds dispelling the darkness of ignorance. So, students, spread your light of good deeds all around the world and touch the highest meaning of education because noble deeds draw you closer to the Lord. As Swami Vivekanand says “Through work alone men may get where Buddha get largely through meditation or christ through Prayers”.